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生殖医学 2012年第B12期杂志 文档列表

A randomized clinical trial of mifepristone plus different routes of administration of misoprostol for terminating a pregnancy up to 37 days第1-6页
关键词: 米非司酮;  早期妊娠;  临床试验;  随机;  给药;  醇;  配伍;  妊娠早期;  
Investigation of awareness rate and current situation in hormone replacement therapy in medical care personnel in Shanghai第7-11页
关键词: 医护人员;  激素治疗;  替代治疗;  上海;  医疗保健;  hrt;  产品质量;  副作用;  
Influence of age, menopause status, body mass index and physical activity on body composition and body fat distribution in midlife women第12-17页
关键词: 平均年龄;  绝经后;  体脂肪;  体成分;  体质量;  状态;  体力;  妇女;  
Study of the relationship between dosage of oral progesterone and concentration of serum progesterone第18-23页
关键词: 个人剂量;  孕激素;  磷浓度;  血清;  口服;  孕酮;  激素水平;  bmi;  
Influence of serum levels of TSH receptor antibody in pregnant women with Gravesdisease on neonatal hyperthyroidism第24-28页
关键词: 甲状腺功能;  新生儿;  tsh;  血清;  孕妇;  受体;  抗体;  促甲状腺激素;  
Incidence of chromosome abnormalities at a second-trimester genetic amniocentesis for Mainland Chinese women of advanced maternal age: a study of 6, 584 cases第29-35页
关键词: 染色体异常;  中国大陆;  发病率;  产妇;  穿刺;  羊膜;  遗传;  妇女;  
Relationship between lower number of oocytes retrieved and clinical outcomes of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer第36-41页
关键词: 临床疗效;  胚胎移植;  体外受精;  卵母细胞;  卵胞浆内单精子注射;  促性腺激素释放激素;  
Effect of sperm DNA fragmentation on assisted reproductive technology treatment category第42-48页
关键词: 卵胞浆内单精子注射;  dna;  辅助生殖;  icsi;  治疗;  技术;  体外受精;  试管婴儿;  
Expectant management of cesarean scar pregnancy: a case report and a review of literature第49-51页
关键词: 剖宫产;  化管理;  妊娠;  瘢痕;  病例报告;  文献;  对症治疗;  磁共振成像;  
Clinical characters of pregnancy complicated with epilepsy --with twenty cases reported第52-56页
关键词: 妊娠结局;  抗癫痫;  临床特点;  合并;  怀孕期间;  药物治疗;  平均年龄;  围产期管理;  
Report and clinical study of one case of fallopian tube carcinosarcoma第57-60页
关键词: 输卵管;  肉瘤;  癌;  子宫切除术;  剖腹手术;  临床;  卵巢肿瘤;  卵巢切除术;  
Expression of inhibin a, matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase-1 in luteinized granulosa cells: comparison between women with and without endometriosis第61-69页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位症;  颗粒细胞;  抑制素;  卵巢;  聚合酶链反应;  抑制剂;  
Expression of calretinin in the testes of rats at different development stages第70-76页
关键词: 睾丸间质细胞;  老鼠;  蛋白水平;  sd大鼠;  血清睾酮;  钙结合蛋白;  mrna;  放射免疫法;  
Expression of HIF-1α, TGF-1β, Mucl and MMP-9 in placenta: preliminary pathophysiological study of preeclampsia第77-86页
关键词: 胎盘绒毛;  病理生理;  子痫;  先兆;  缺氧诱导因子1;  滋养层细胞;  
Research on immune effect of two gene vaccines containing brZPC' and brLDHC4' when in combined inoculation第87-95页
关键词: 联合接种;  基因疫苗;  免疫效果;  免疫小鼠;  特异性抗体;  cdna序列;  重组疫苗;