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生殖医学 2010年第A02期杂志 文档列表

生殖医学杂志Original articles
Cytogenetic investigation of 468 patients with primary amenorrhea第1-7页
关键词: 原发性;  细胞遗传学;  闭经;  性染色体异常;  染色体核型分析;  g带核型;  染色体易位;  临床特征;  
Increased risk of psychiatric disorders in Chinese women with polycystic ovary syndrome第8-14页
关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征;  精神障碍;  妇女;  心理健康状况;  生活质量;  中国;  风险;  不孕症;  
A perspective study and financial analysis of different protocols of second trimester maternal serum screening for Down's syndrome第15-19页
关键词: 唐氏综合征;  财务分析;  人绒毛膜促性腺激素;  血清;  筛查;  孕妇;  透视图;  指标测试;  
Parental exposure at periconception to environmental adverse factors and early embryo loss in Tianjin, China第20-24页
关键词: 早期胚胎;  环境因素;  logistic回归分析;  父母;  天津;  中国;  风险因素;  多元线性回归;  
Physical, mental and psychomotor development of children born after multifetal pregnancy reduction: a retrospective case-control study第25-29页
关键词: 心理发展;  身体;  妊娠;  多胎;  精神;  孩子;  病例;  试管婴儿;  
Increased mitochondrial DNA 4977 bp deletion in unfertilized oocytes of patients with diminished ovarian reserve第30-33页
关键词: 线粒体dna;  未受精卵;  患者;  储备;  卵巢;  bp;  logistic回归分析;  卵母细胞;  
Characteristics of invasive fungal infections in obstetric and gynecologic patients第34-39页
关键词: 真菌感染;  妇产科;  妇科病;  国际金融机构;  侵袭性;  临床实验室;  临床诊断;  治疗方案;  
Clinical analysis of 53 cases of struma ovarii第40-43页
关键词: 卵巢肿瘤;  甲状腺肿;  临床分析;  生育年龄;  临床特点;  手术;  诊断;  畸胎瘤;  
Clinical efficacy of superselective arterial embolization in the treatment of hemorrhage from malignant gestational trophoblastic tumor第44-48页
关键词: 滋养细胞;  临床疗效;  栓塞;  动脉;  出血;  肿瘤;  恶性;  治疗;  
Clinical significance of serum levels of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor antibody in pregnant women with Graves' disease第49-53页
关键词: 甲状腺激素受体;  抗体血清;  临床意义;  孕妇;  甲状腺功能;  化学发光免疫分析;  功能障碍;  新生儿;  
Study on relationship of apolipoprotein E gene polymorphism and genetic susceptibility of stress urinary incontinence第54-58页
关键词: 基因多态性;  遗传易感性;  载脂蛋白e;  尿失禁;  限制性片段长度多态性;  等位基因频率;  apoe基因;  rflp技术;  
Expression of matrix metalloproteinase-7 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 in human endometrial carcinoma第59-63页
关键词: 基质金属蛋白酶;  子宫内膜癌;  组织抑制因子;  蛋白酶抑制剂;  内膜增生;  mmp;  淋巴结;  膜组织;  
生殖医学杂志Laboratory study
Construction and expression of SET gene and siRNA recombinant adenovirus vectors第64-72页
关键词: 重组腺病毒载体;  sirna;  基因片段;  逆转录聚合酶链反应;  绿色荧光蛋白;  巨细胞病毒;  rna干扰;  293细胞;  
Histopathologic changes of hypothalamus and pituitary in a rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome第73-76页
关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征;  大鼠模型;  病理变化;  下丘脑;  垂体;  电子显微镜观察;  促性腺激素细胞;  分泌颗粒;