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生殖医学 2008年第A01期杂志 文档列表

Two decades of ART in China what have we learned?第1-3页
关键词: 中国;  艺术;  试管婴儿;  北京大学;  经济发展;  辅助生殖;  开拓者;  art;  
Effect of Bisphenol A on steroid production in human granulosa cells in vitro第4-10页
关键词: 颗粒细胞;  双酚a;  生产;  激素;  离体;  
Effects of integrative medicine treatment on 48 infertile patients with diminished ovarian reserve第11-15页
关键词: 中西医结合治疗;  卵巢功能;  患者;  储备;  不育;  卵泡刺激素;  排卵率;  治疗效果;  
The outcomes of artificial insemination by cryopreserved donor semen and analysis of its affecting factors第16-20页
关键词: 人工授精方法;  冷冻精液;  影响因素;  周期数;  年龄因素;  精液解冻;  怀孕率;  室间隔缺损;  
Analysis the factors related to the cone marginal status of the patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia Ⅲ第21-25页
关键词: 患者;  上皮;  cin;  保证金;  阳性率;  经营规模;  手术技巧;  年龄组;  
Effect of washing mineral oil on development of mouse embryos in vitro and in vivo after embryo transfer第26-32页
关键词: 胚胎移植;  洗涤过程;  矿物油;  胚胎发育;  小鼠;  体内;  体外;  胚胎培养;  
A study on lifestyle adjustment and insulin sensitizing treatment in PCOS-IR women第33-37页
关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征;  生活方式;  胰岛素;  妇女;  红外;  治疗;  增敏;  调整;  
Expression of glucose transporter 4 in endometrium of polycystic ovary syndrome第38-44页
关键词: 多囊卵巢综合征;  葡萄糖转运蛋白;  子宫内膜;  逆转录聚合酶链反应;  胰岛素抵抗;  基因表达;  胰岛素受体;  葡萄糖转运体;  
Primary establishment of human uterine muscle proteomic profiling by two-dimensional electrophoresis and mass spectrometry第45-48页
关键词: 电离飞行时间质谱;  子宫切除术;  肌肉组织学;  人类蛋白质;  蛋白组学;  双向电泳;  基质辅助激光解吸;  小学;  
Efficacy of Aescuven forte on male infertility with varicocele第49-52页
关键词: 精索静脉曲张;  男性不育症;  疗效观察;  
Clinical presentation and management of perineal endometriosis with anal sphincter involvement: a report of 26 cases第53-55页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位症;  临床表现;  括约肌;  肛门;  管理;  手术切除;  复发率;  临床资料;  
Application of trans-abdominal chorionic villus sampling in prenatal diagnosis of chromosomal diseases in first trimester of gestation第56-59页
关键词: 产前诊断;  早期妊娠;  染色体;  绒毛;  抽样;  应用;  早孕;  时间平均;  
The prediction of ovarian response in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles第60-64页
关键词: 体外受精;  胚胎移植;  预测;  反应;  卵巢;  周期;  
Study on the relationship between endometrial carcinoma and serum levels of malondialdehyde and superoxide dismutase第65-67页
关键词: 铜锌超氧化物歧化酶;  子宫内膜癌;  丙二醛;  清水;  血清;  锰超氧化物歧化酶;  mda;  sod;  
Expression of Trem-1 in the patients with endometriosis第68-72页
关键词: 子宫内膜异位症;  免疫球蛋白超家族;  环境管理体系;  患者;  elisa法;  受体表达;  病理生理;  发病机制;